Chairmans Report — May 2018

Chairmans Report — May 2018

Chairmans Report — May 2018

Well done – VCCSA State Rally

Well done to all those participants and visitors in our recent weekend rally, your involvement made this event a very memorable one.  It was great to see so many happy faces along the way at the various destinations.

It was clear the rally organisers ensured we had a great selection of activities and pleasurable drives of different lengths and terrain to keep us all challenged and admiring the scenery.

Of special note, we had a number of interstate participants taking part as well as people from various other motoring clubs here in South Australia. It was also great to see such a large number of veteran motorbikes joining us.  This was certainly a great moment of outreach and our way of giving something back to the historic motoring movement.  Well done to Andrew Hayes and the rally team for coordinating this weekend on our behalf.

Please remember, we have another VCCSA weekend rally planned for later in the year. This event is being organised by Julian McNeil for early September and will be a low key casual event (pay as you go) held in the McLaren Vale. It certainly makes the effort of preparing your vehicles worthwhile when you have a couple of days of driving lined up!

Membership Time

As we near the end of the financial year, we start focusing on a few areas which support the smooth running of our club.  In the last Bulletin you will have received the renewal form and notice of our VCCSA Annual General Meeting and a call for nomination for the Committee.  Many of you have already started renewing you memberships, and these all need to be finalised and paid for by the AGM.  Failure to do so could jeopardise your continued membership and/or vehicle registration (if registered through the VCCSA).

As an Association held together by our unique shared interest in the early years of motoring, with a purpose to share this interest both socially and through appreciating our vehicles, we all need to support our club.  If you have some spare time or would be interested to support the work of the Committee or keen to learn more of what’s involved with a view to nominating, please talk to any of the current Committee and they will happily fill you in.

Happy veteran motoring.                                           Hamish McDonald (Chair)

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