Chairs Report — November 2018
Members of the VCCSA have had a rather busy past few months. Kicking off with the wonderful Southern Weekend Adventure rally organised by Julian McNeil, we have had lots of opportunities to enjoy our veteran vehicles in the gradually warming weather! September saw the National TAVCCA Rally and this was followed back to back with the Bay to Birdwood Run. Our October event was the amazing and enjoyable Down Under London to Brighton Run. This has become a very enjoyable event for all participants and regularly sees a large turnout of vehicles taking part. The organisers sought feedback from the VCCSA earlier in the year on how they can improve the event, from which much of our input was acknowledged and saw the event travel a slightly different and longer route and conclude at the Beach with a short presentation and display. We commend the VSCC and the organisers for their hard work and continued efforts to host this event for us, which makes hassle free enjoyment for all involved.
This month we see the VCCSA hosting the Annual Norton Summit Hill Climb. Last year saw a very small number of veteran vehicles take part. This year the Committee has opened up the eligible entries to include vintage cars – with the veterans leaving first. As like all events, our Rally Master goes out of his way to plan enjoyable runs that attempt to interest and suit as many people as possible. If you have any feedback on drives we have taken so far this year, or ideas for alternative events for 2019, please feel free to talk with Phil or any one of the VCCSA Committee. We hope to see as many vehicles as possible turn out for this Hill Climb event in 2018.
As you will read later in the Bulletin, Tim Rettig has organised a special film night for us to share with other like-minded car enthusiasts. We have extended an invitation to a number of other vehicle clubs to join us, so feel free to bring along as many people as you like to watch “The Fast Lady”. Our thanks go to Tim for his organisation of this with Wallis Cinema, Mitcham.
As we reach the end of 2018, we start to cast our thoughts towards 2019 and as such we are starting to hear of the plans Andrew and his weekend rally team are putting together for us. Recently an Expression of Interest was emailed out to the members. So, check your diary, mark in the dates and start making your plans to get to the Links Resort in Lady Bay, Normanville for April next year. This year’s rally will be a tough act to follow, but Rally Director – Andrew Hayes, is putting together a series of days with a range of experiences for us to enjoy. Please email Andrew directly to indicate your interest – This weekend rally takes place one week before the National Brush Rally in Goolwa, so there could be extra Brushes taking part!
Finally, looking forward to next month’s Gathering, we have our annual end of year celebration and invite you to come along for a more social time and chat with those present.
Happy veteran motoring. Hamish McDonald (Chair)